Wednesday, October 2, 2013


                                          The First Internal Combustion Engine  
                                                  Inventor: Karl Benz in 1855

            This is the first internal combustion engine invented by Karl Benz in 1855.  He called this the Motorwagen. Before Karl Benz invented the internal combustion engine "automobiles" were powered by steam or electricity. Was atwo seater and a three wheeler.

            The four - stroke engine Karl Benz invented is still used today in cars. This invention impacted society greatly allowing people to travel 16 km/h, saving people a huge amount of time, allowing them to go from point a to point b faster.  This invention also impacted society by having the first ever steering system which allowed people to change direction while moving.  This invention impacted society by allowing other areas of transportation to become gasoline powered instead of just steam and electrical.       


1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that the invention helped people save a lot of time. The invention of the automobile was definitely an important thing because of the world's ever-changing ways of traveling. People such as Karl Benz, Gottleib Daimler and Armand Peugeot forever changed the way we look at traveling by going above and beyond what had been invented.
