Wednesday, October 2, 2013


                                                         Ford's Park Assist
                                                           Made in 2009
                                                  Made By Ford and Lincoln

                  Prior to this car coming out peolpe would have to manullay parallel park thier cars.  People would have to drive foward then backwards turning the wheel as they torn their hair out from the long process of turning and breaking to aviod hitting other cars.  The self- parking system is an autopilot technology for automobiles.  The technology makes parallel parking a breeze for the driver because the car scans for empty spots and then turns the wheels on its own to parallel park into the spot.

                  The self parking system affected society greatly because the technology thats in the car allows the car to parallel park its self without the driver touching the wheel all the driver has to do is step on the brake pedal an then release the break.  The cars also have sensors in the front and rear o help prevent crashing your car into nearby objects.  This innovation is important because it is a tool in cars that allow the cars to park themselfs.  Which to me means in a couple years the next new car will be a car that drives it-self and all the driver has to do is say where they are going.


                                          The First Internal Combustion Engine  
                                                  Inventor: Karl Benz in 1855

            This is the first internal combustion engine invented by Karl Benz in 1855.  He called this the Motorwagen. Before Karl Benz invented the internal combustion engine "automobiles" were powered by steam or electricity. Was atwo seater and a three wheeler.

            The four - stroke engine Karl Benz invented is still used today in cars. This invention impacted society greatly allowing people to travel 16 km/h, saving people a huge amount of time, allowing them to go from point a to point b faster.  This invention also impacted society by having the first ever steering system which allowed people to change direction while moving.  This invention impacted society by allowing other areas of transportation to become gasoline powered instead of just steam and electrical.